Vehicle & Trailer Consultancy
Through our extensive experience with Buses, Trucks and Trailers (hence the name BTT Engineering) we have been able to support our clients with informed advice on the best options to meet their requirements. As an independent third party, our only motive is to get the best for our clients, who sometimes can be misguided by others with a vested interest involved in the process. Clients have come to us with all forms of problems they require advice on, such as, but not limited to, weight distribution issues, pre-procurement advice of vehicles, tender reviews, project management and Australian Design Rule (ADR) compliance advice. Some examples of how we have supported our clients in the above areas are elaborated on below.
Weight distribution issues are more common than most would be aware of for both individual vehicles and fleets. While most operators would be aware of not exceeding gross vehicle mass (GVM) limits for their vehicles, axle limits are also a major concern along with manufacturer-specific requirements such as axle weight percentages, load centre of gravity limitations and overall vehicle centre of gravity recommendations. BTT Engineering have been able to provide clients with valuable advice at any stage of the vehicle procurement process, helping specifying vehicles with appropriate weight distributions and payload pre-purchase through to evaluating existing builds and suggesting rectification options. We have generated loading plans specific to a vehicle configuration's requirements and have completed both computational and physical testing to determine a vehicle's suitability.
Considering the potential issues listed above, BTT Engineering recommends that clients ensure that their chosen addition to their fleet is appropriate through getting advice prior to purchase. We have compiled assessments for vehicles slated to perform a range of functions, from fire appliance vehicles to general goods transport to plant equipment. For larger fleet projects going to tender, getting expert advice prior to releasing the tender and having the responses evaluated independently can prevent an unsuitable vehicle. Often the specifications for the initial tender are not feasible to achieve without causing compliance issues, leaving the tendering organisation responsible to try and compromise the final build to ensure legality.
During the process of a fleet's construction we can assist with project management in a number of forms, including generation of specification checklists, periodic inspections, documentation reviews, liaison with suppliers and collation of ADR evidence. All operators should be aware of their requirements to provide and maintain a compliant vehicle, therefore getting a third party such as BTT Engineering to oversee your project will ensure risk of sanctions for nonconformity are minimalistic.
If you are someone involved in any part of vehicle or component design, we can provide expert advice on interpretation and applicability of ADRs in a simple and easy to understand manner. Past examples of this include confirming the legality of a proposed proprietary indicator light and assisting with re-design of a trailer's structure to meet safety requirements.
If you have a project you wish to seek expert advice on, please get in contact with us here so we can find out how we can help you.