Another Successful PBS Roadshow


Managing Director of BTT Engineering Eddie van den Berg giving a presentation at the Melbourne Roadshow


BTT Engineering is proud to have been a part of yet another successful PBS Roadshow that saw an event in both Melbourne and Sydney. It was great to see a huge turnout with over 120 attendees across the two events, allowing operators and manufacturers to find out more about what PBS can mean to them and how it can benefit their businesses and the freight task that they are undertaking. The process of PBS was discussed with the main topics being PBS Assessment, PBS Certification, Network Access and Permits and TMA with Smart OBM (on board mass), presented by Advantia Transport Consulting, BTT Engineering, Mass Management and V-DAQ respectively. Also with representatives from the NHVR, Transport NSW and Department of Transport Victoria, new light was being shed on what is being done to open up road access as well as letting operators know the amount of background work is required in ensuring the right conversations are being had with individual road managers, the upgrading of critical infrastructure as well as ensuring other asset managers such as rail, water and the like are on board. With this in mind, it is fantastic that bridges are being upgraded, larger and heavier combinations are being considered and signed off for access and more interstate collaboration is ongoing to bring a more homogenous plan to how freight is moved as effectively, efficiently and safely as possible. A lot of great questions came from the attendees, which were mostly directed at the regulators, allowing issues to be brought to the table with some already being addressed and others being included in items for discussion and action. We would like to thank everyone that took part in these fantastic events and we look forward to providing more of these in the near future around the country.

If you have any questions regarding PBS and how it can be beneficial to your operations then contact BTT Engineering today here