PBS Roadshow Victoria 2022

At the start of this month BTT Engineering, in collaboration with Advantia Transport Consulting, Mass Management, V-DAQ, NHVR and Department of Transport Victoria, held two single day seminars in Victoria as part of a PBS (Performance Based Standards) Roadshow to help industry understand the PBS process and how it could benefit their businesses. Conference rooms were booked to the maximum capacity for both the Melbourne and Bendigo events, highlighting how the PBS scheme is capturing the attention of the transport industry. The seminars detailed information from the entire PBS process, ranging from design approvals, vehicle inspections, certification, network access, TMA (Telematics Monitoring Application) and onboard mass. Representatives from the NHVR detailed the background of the PBS scheme and its near future and the Department of Transport Victoria discussed current regulatory actions on a state-based level to assist operators in maximising the benefit from the PBS scheme with regards to network access and infrastructure.


Managing Director Eddie van den Berg was pleased with how the events went:

There was a large number of attendees ranging from big national operators to the smaller owner driver companies. We also saw a good representation from a number of truck and trailer manufacturers too. Personally, I found the feedback from speaking with a number of people in attendance was very positive, with many gaining valuable bits of information that will help them ensure that their businesses are keeping up with the changing environment of high productivity vehicles and the freight task at hand. A few I found were also very happy to be able to get a clearer understanding as to how to go about getting PBS combinations approved for their fleet and that it isn’t quite as complicated and expensive as some have been let to believe through misinformation. All in all two very successful events with more to come in the near future.


We would like to thank everyone, including those who took time out of their busy schedule to attend, for making the events highly informative and enjoyable. Unfortunately, due to popular demand, bookings were full before we could even publish the event online - to ensure you are notified of our next PBS Roadshow, please get into contact with us directly so we can add you to our list. If there is a particular location you would like us to go to next, please let us know so we can make it a consideration! Of course, at any time you are welcome to arrange an in person or telephone meeting directly with us to talk about your particular requirements and how PBS may assist your business grow in productivity and efficiency.

Some links to organisations involved in the roadshow:

Advantia Transport Consulting - https://www.advantia.com.au/

Mass Management Pty Ltd - https://www.massmanagement.com.au/

V-DAQ - https://www.v-daq.com.au/

NHVR PBS information - https://www.nhvr.gov.au/road-access/performance-based-standards