Team Profile - Eddie van den Berg


Managing Director Eddie van den Berg took some time out to write about his experience and the foundations of BTT Engineering below:

“I started my engineering dreams wanting to work in the aviation world, however due to circumstances and opportunities I landed my first engineering job with MAN Truck and Bus in Laverton North. That was in 1994 and even though I was passionate about cars and motorbikes, the heavy vehicle space was not on my radar. Since then, I have seen what an exciting and dynamic industry this is and have been working diligently to learn and understand a number of aspects of this industry. Particularly compliance and the regulations that shape it. After leaving MAN in 1998, I gained an engineering design and technical advisory position with Road Trans Engineering (RTE) in Tullamarine. This gave me further insights into the modification of trucks to allow them to be able to get onto the road in a compliant and fit for purpose state. I was also accepted into the VicRoads VASS engineering signatory scheme in 1999 which allowed me to inspect and sign off on modifications to heavy vehicles. Moving through this period in my working life, RTE, with myself as signatory, joined what was then DoTaRS in Canberra so that we could act as an agent for companies wishing to get compliance approvals for vehicles, furthermore we became a testing and design facility also. This broadened my reach and understanding of the Australian Design Rules (ADR’s), Australian Standards (AS) and other regulatory requirements for heavy vehicles. I continued working and growing with RTE, having worked on exciting projects for AMP, Victoria Police, Country Fire Authority and Sony to name a few, with new concepts and designs being a vital element to satisfy the clients needs. After a very rewarding tenure at RTE, my wife and I decided to move to Tasmania in 2015. I had decided that I wanted something different, and an opportunity came across to buy Flinders Island Aviation. What a fantastic experience that would be, I could pursue my passion for flying planes and aviation and do it as a job. Alas, our bid was not the winning offer, and I was again left seeking a new future for myself. It didn’t take long with the many wonderful acquaintances and friendships I had built over the 21 years in the heavy vehicle industry, when the phone was ringing for advice and requests for assistance. It just so happened that at the same time Stategrowth in Tasmania had put out to interested parties to join the new signatory scheme that was being established. This made me rethink my direction and go back to what I knew and loved so much, Heavy Vehicles. Thus, BTT Engineering Consulting Pty Ltd was born and started trading on the 1st January 2016. From busy beginnings and many trips per month back and forth to Melbourne the company was growing. Jeremy Robinson joined me as an undergraduate engineer and then became our first full time employee after me of course. This was an interesting time with working out of my home, my wife and I had just had Royce, we also had 2 medium sized excitable dogs, Jeremy got a new puppy, so we had 3 dogs, a screaming child and a nanny running around whilst we were trying to get the work out. How Jeremy survived this is a testament to him. Thank you. BTT Engineering has been steadily growing since those humble beginnings with a very engaging team of 9 now spread across 2 offices in both Launceston and Port Melbourne. I am very proud of the company that we have built and we specifically pride ourselves on the attention to detail, high moral compass, passion and client focussed attitudes that we all harbour. I am truly looking forward to what the next 10 years brings in this highly exciting industry. “

Eddie was asked some questions about his time at BTT Engineering:


What is your favourite or most satisfying project you have worked on while at BTT Engineering?

The project that sticks in my mind as being extremely satisfying and enjoyable would be assisting Melbourne Water with ensuring that their new vehicle fleet which they recently had built was fully compliant, fit for purpose, built to a high standard and met or exceeded their expectations. It was great to be able to utilise our vast knowledge of the rules and regulations as well as our dedication to understanding what the operational requirements of the client was, to fulfill the expectations of Melbourne Water’s initial brief to us. We were provided with very positive feedback from the client upon the completion of the project deliverables.


What do you see as your best asset as an engineer with BTT Engineering?

My best asset as an engineer at BTT is my ability to decipher regulations and pass them on to clients in a language or process that is easy to understand. I also take the time to listen to clients so as to ensure that their needs and requirements are understood and met.


If you were a client interested in engaging a business for engineering consultancy, why would you choose BTT Engineering to do it?

The team at BTT Engineering are very knowledgeable about the rules and regulations surrounding vehicle and trailer design and compliance which they utilise to ensure that they provide clear and concise advice about what is needed to be done. They are very transparent during the project and keep you informed every step of the way. Once they finish the project you can be rest assured that it has been done to the highest of standards and will be fully compliant to the applicable rules and regulations.


Where do you see the industry heading in the future?

The future of transport is very exciting with alternative fuel technologies pushing quickly into driving out the old, powered by diesel engines. The technology gains are also transferring into undriven vehicles such as trailers, where they are becoming more aerodynamic and efficiently loaded/unloaded. A more hub and spoke approach to transport will inevitably be on the cards where larger/heavier combinations will be running long distances between centres in autonomously controlled vehicles with smaller vehicles taking on the deliveries to the final destination. We may even see the rise of drone technologies assisting in the freight task in the not too distant future. 


If you could go back to the time you graduated and give yourself some career advice, what would it be?

Follow your dreams and always be vocal within your workplace, not annoyingly of course, but put your thoughts and views across to be heard. Always listen to everyone that has something to say as you may glean valuable skills or knowledge, and most importantly don’t ever overestimate your knowledge and abilities, it will hinder your progress to learning more and finding better ways to approach tasks.

What are your interests outside of work?

Spending time with my wife and 3 year old son is something I enjoy first and foremost, though like my wife I am a real foodie and love to share great food experiences with friends and family. I also have a love of flying and everything aviation, always looking forward to getting into the air as often as possible either with me piloting or kicking back and being taken interstate on an airliner. Further to that, though not currently having the time to do it as often as I would like, I do enjoy pulling out my telescopes from the shed and spending the night gazing into the heavens.