Welcome To 2022!

Happy new year to everyone! 2022 promises to provide plenty of exciting new opportunities and changes as the automotive engineering industry continues to evolve.

One major change is that the opt-in period for existing vehicle approvals has now expired. This does not mean that no new vehicles can be produced, but means that if you did miss the deadline at the end of last year you have just under six months to use the existing approval. To continue to produce new vehicles, you will need to get a vehicle type approval (VTA) through the ROVER system approved prior to July 1st, 2022. The federally legislated response time is up to 60 business days, therefore getting your application sorted should be at the top of your priority list if you intend to continue to manufacture vehicles or heavy trailers after the transition date. Light trailers also need their approvals submitted and approved by this date to comply with the new legislation.

BTT Engineering Consulting can assist with completing your applications as we are already signed up and using the ROVER portal. For assistance with your ROVER related enquires please book an appointment with one of our consulting engineers by submitting an enquiry via